Aesthetic Clinics - Terms & Conditions

You need to be 18 years of age or over to use the Superdrug Aesthetics service.

Please note that we do not treat children or young adults under the age of 18.

Photo ID (passport or driving licence) is required for the consultation.


1. Introduction

1.1 These are the Terms and Conditions on which Superdrug (“we” or “us”) supply non-surgical facial aesthetic treatments to you.
1.2 Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. They tell you who we are, how we will provide services to you, how we and you may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information.
1.3 If you think that there is a mistake in these Terms and Conditions then please contact us to discuss.
1.4 In the event of an inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the content of any literature provided by us to you, then these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
1.5 A large font version of this document is available at the Superdrug Aesthetic Clinics reception, should it be required.

2. Definitions & Interpretation

2.1 In these Terms and Conditions the following words shall have the following meanings:

“Allergies” mean sensitive reactions of the body to certain skin rejuvenation treatment or substances, that do not affect most people;

“Clinic” means Superdrug Aesthetic Clinics located at various Superdrug stores

“Consultation” means an initial consultation with the Practitioner to discuss the Medical History provided and risks or potential side effects associated with the relevant Treatment;

“Data Protection Acts” means relevant Data protection legislation including the General Data Protection Regulations;

“Skin Rejuvenation Treatment” means medicines or substances used as part of a Treatment;

“Medical History” means patient medical data, including sensitive data relating to a patient’s health profile and history;

“Patient(s)” or ”you” means any person who has entered or is contemplating entering into a contract for the provision of Treatments from us;

“Practice Policies and Procedure(s)” means a folder, in head office, outlining all Practice Policy and Procedures provided to Patients where applicable;

“Practitioner” means a state registered nurse and independent prescriber who has completed the Level 7 training, is registered to practice by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and is licensed to administer the Treatments;

“Superdrug” the limited company registered at Companies House as Superdrug Stores plc Limited whose registered office is located at 51 Sydenham Road, Croydon , CRO 2EU and whose details are further delineated at clause 3 referred to as such or “We”;

“Superdrug’s Complaints Procedure” The complaints procedure referred to in the Practice Policy and Procedures; and

“Treatment” means a non-surgical facial aesthetics procedure to be administered by a Practitioner.

3. Treatments and Services

3.1 We offer a number of facial aesthetic treatment options subject to eligibility following consultation with a suitably qualified Superdrug Practitioner. Before providing any Treatments, we require you to:
3.1.1 Complete the Medical History questionnaire provided to you at the Clinic as detailed further below
3.1.2 Attend a Consultation on a free, no obligation basis.
3.2 Please note that we do not treat children or young adults under the age of eighteen (18). We would ask that you do not bring children to the clinic as they cannot be left unsupervised in the reception area and Children will not be allowed to accompany you into the treatment rooms.

4. Our contract with you & our obligations

4.1 A contract comes into existence between you and us when we confirm that we are able to provide you with a Treatment following the Consultation, completion of all necessary medical consent forms and you confirm that you wish to proceed. You will be offered a ‘cooling off period’ between consultation and treatment.
4.2 If we are unable to provide you with a Treatment (e.g. following clinical assessment by a Practitioner) we will inform you of this and the reasons why during your Consultation.
4.3 In providing a Treatment to you, Superdrug shall:
4.3.1 Provide suitable facilities for the provision of the Treatment by a Practitioner;
4.3.2 Provide you with such information that can be reasonably expected to be necessary for you to understand the nature of the Treatment being offered and the risks and potential side effects normally associated with such Treatment, in advance of the Treatment.
4.4 If our performance of a Treatment is affected by an event outside our control then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay. Provided we do this we will not be liable for delays caused by the event.

5. Patient Obligations

5.1 You will be responsible for reading the Treatment information literature provided to you prior to or during the Consultation, and prior to consenting to undergo any Treatment. You will have an opportunity to raise questions at the Consultation and prior to undergoing the Treatment. You are not obliged to have the Treatment if you have any concerns and may change your mind at any time.
5.2 We require certain information from you prior to Treatment for the purpose of securing an appointment including contact details; including: full name, date of birth, full address, contact telephone numbers and email address.
5.3 You will be required to complete the Medical Questionnaire form at their first appointment, this is necessary for the consultation and treatment planning process. The Medical History will require full details of any Allergies or medical conditions. You will be asked to update your Medical History on each visit.
5.3.1 If you do not provide us with the Medical History information required or you provide us with incomplete or inaccurate information we reserve the right not to perform the Treatment.
5.4 All information will be treated as confidential and protected in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
5.5 Due to the clinical nature of this service, all customers are required to bring a form of photo identification with them to their consultation. If you fail to bring a form of photo identification to your consultation, we will not be able to proceed with the consultation or treatment.

6. Payment

6.1 The total fee for the treatment shall be paid on completion of the Treatment, as specified by the Practitioner at the appointment prior to Treatment.
6.2 Payments for Treatments are subject to VAT.
6.3 For your convenience we accept cash, debit cards, and credit cards.

7. Special offers & free consultations

7.1 From time to time Superdrug run special offers or other forms of purchase incentive. Although unlikely before any specified offer deadline, Superdrug reserve the right to extend, amend and/or withdraw any offer at any time without notice.
7.2 All special offers are subject to availability.
7.3 All Patients will still require a Consultation to determine eligibility for any special offer on Treatments being run.

8. Relationship with Practitioner

8.1 8. All Practitioners are employed by Superdrug.
8.2 Superdrug confirms the Practitioner holds the necessary qualifications and registration to administer the Treatment(s).

9. Information about Us & how to contact Us

9.1 We are Superdrug a company incorporated in England and Wales. Our registered address is as set out in 2.1.12 above, 9.2 You can contact us by writing via email at
9.3 If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us at your Consultation.
9.4 “Writing” includes emails and when we use the words “writing” or “written” in these terms, this includes emails.

10. Confidentiality/data protection

10.1 Superdrug shall ensure that any information that you share with us including your name, contact details and Medical History (“Personal Data”) is kept securely and confidentially in accordance with its data privacy policy and Data Protection Acts.
10.2 Superdrug will only process your personal data, in connection with the Consultation and/or Treatment provided to you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
10.3 To be able to provide the Consultation and/or Treatment Superdrug will need to disclose your personal data to the Practitioner and Superdrug requires your consent to such disclosure.
10.4 By accepting these Terms and Conditions and submitting a completed Medical History form, you are deemed to consent to the disclosure of your Personal Data by Superdrug to the Practitioners Nurses for the purpose of discussing and obtaining the Treatment;
10.5 You acknowledge that Superdrug is obtaining this consent in order to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Acts.
10.5 Superdrug’s privacy and cookies policy is available on the website
10.6 Superdrug predominantly corresponds via email and occasionally by telephone, text message or post. Should there be any changes to your personal data, it is your responsibility to inform Superdrug. This will include, but is not limited to your current telephone number, email address, postal address, home address, and Medical History updates.
10.7 We will use personal details to provide any Treatments, process your payment and, if you consented to this, to inform you about similar services we offer but you may stop receiving these communications at any time by unsubscribing.
10.8 We will only give your personal information to other third parties where the law either requires or allows us to do so.

11. Complaints and Refund policy

11.1 In the event you are unhappy with an aspect of the service provided, the complaint should be made as soon as possible to the customer service team on . If necessary, the complaint will be escalated to the Practitioner.
11.2 Refunds are processed at the end of the calendar month. Please note that Superdrug does not store any card details on its systems for security so Patients are advised to contact Superdrug with payment details for return of the refundable deposit and Treatment deposits made by card will be refunded to the credit/debit card as soon as practically possible.

12. Late & cancellation policy summary

12.1 Superdrug asks that at least 24 hours advance notice for cancelling or rescheduling an appointment. If the Patient is late by more than 15 minutes the Relevant Practitioner may not be able to see the Patient
12.2 Although extremely rare, appointments may need to be rescheduled by Superdrug at short notice, including in the event of incapacity of the Practitioner, an unforeseen emergency at the Clinic, equipment defect or Superdrug does not compensate Patients for any late cancellations or consequential losses. Text messages, email appointment reminders, and telephone calls are a courtesy and cannot be relied upon. It is up to the Patient to note their appointment in their own diary and attend at the appropriate time.
12.3 If you are unable to attend your appointment please cancel or reschedule it at least twenty-four (24) hours before, or you will be charged a twenty pound (£25) fee. At the time of booking we will ask you to enter your payment details into the booking portal. For group bookings each patient will be charged twenty pound (£25). You can reschedule or cancel the appointment by logging in to your Superdrug Health Clinic portal. No fee will be taken if you cancel or reschedule the appointment at least twenty-four (24) hours before you are due to attend. Once you attend your appointment, your nurse or pharmacist will discuss the charge for any services you require and all monies for these services will be payable in clinic during your appointment.

13. Zero tolerance on violence & aggression policy

13.1 All Patients attending Superdrug facilities will be treated with respect and dignity at all times. No member of staff has the right to be abusive to Patients or their visitors and any such incidents will be treated as a disciplinary matter. Equally, Superdrug does not condone any form of abuse of staff members by Patients (either in person or on the phone) or visitors and if such a situation should occur, Superdrug reserves the right to terminate any provision of Treatments or care and to escort any such Patient off the premises if necessary.

14. Other important terms

14.1 This contract is between you and Superdrug and no other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms, however, Superdrug reserve the right to transfer their rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation.
14.2 If a Court finds that any of these Terms and Conditions are illegal or unenforceable then the remaining enforceable terms will continue in full force and effect.
14.3 To address your specific requirements and desired outcome, we will complete a full treatment plan during your consultation. Treatment under this service is a medical procedure and results can vary from person to person. Although unlikely, it is possible that you may not experience any noticeable results from a procedure.
Superdrug relies upon the completeness and accuracy of information provided by the Patient to the Practitioner prior to administering a Treatment, including but not limited to the Medical History and as such Superdrug excludes all liability in respect of any damage or loss incurred by a Patient arising from or in connection with the incompleteness or inaccuracy of such information provided to Practitioner.

15. Allergic reactions and what to do if you have problems following a Treatment

15.1 Whilst it is rare, some Patients do suffer from an allergic reaction or other side effects to a Drug and/or following provision of a Treatment.
15.2 If you have had a Treatment and are experiencing any health problems thereafter or feel unwell, please contact 999 as soon as possible.
15.3 If there are any complications that require urgent medical attention and it is not possible to see the same Practitioner, please go to your GP or local accident and emergency (A&E) department immediately to seek medical assistance.

16. Legal jurisdiction

16.1 The services provided by Superdrug and Practitioners and these terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute between the Parties.