£30 for 1 ear, £55 for 2 ears
Ear Wax Removal Service
Our trained and experienced nurses use a gentle micro suction technique to remove earwax. This is a painless procedure that can be completed in a matter of minutes which uses a specialist suction device and camera that looks inside the ear.
The service cost is £30 for 1 ear, £55 for 2 ears.
This service only suitable for people aged 18+, and only available at select locations.
This service is not suitable for people with a perforated eardrum or an ear infection. We don’t perform foreign objects procedure extraction.
How It Works
Book an appointment
It’s important that the wax is soft to make the procedure as comfortable and effective as possible. We recommend using wax softening drops for 5 days prior to attenidng the appointment.
Prepare for your appointment
We recommend using medicated olive oil drops, following the manufacturer’s guidelines on use which usually involves application between 2 to 4 times daily, in the affected ear and repeat for five days before your appointment to ensure a comfortable and effective earwax removal procedure.
Attend your appointment
Your wax removal appointment will take 30 mins.
What is ear wax?
Ear wax is a natural substance produced by the ear canal to protect the ear from infection and dust. It is made up of dead skin cells, oil, and sweat. It’s there to protect your ears from dirt and germs. But regularly using ear wax softening eardrops containing olive or sodium bicarbonate, will help soften earwax build-up.
What are the symptoms of ear wax build up?
The most common symptoms of ear wax build up are:
- Hearing loss
- Earache
- Feeling that your ears are blocked
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Vertigo (dizziness)
How often should I remove earwax?
Most people do not need to have their ear wax removed. However, if you are experiencing symptoms of ear wax build up, you can consider having it removed by a professional.
What techniques do we perform?
Our nurses are trained for Ear Microsuction and for Ear Irrigation.
Microsuction is one of the best ways to remove earwax. Once our trained advisers have assessed your ear canal, they’ll use a gentle suction device to remove any earwax blockages. This suction device acts like a vacuum cleaner, helping to loosen and remove any impacted earwax. Once the procedure is over, we’ll use a microscope to check over your ears.
Irrigation uses an electronic irrigator to flush out ear wax in the ear canal using water. This method is useful if the ear wax is deep into the ear canal. Once the procedure is complete, we’ll use an otoscope to check your ears. Due to the use of warm water in the ear canal during irrigation, both ears must be irrigated to reduce the risk of side effects such as dizziness and vertigo.
Who is this service suitable for?
This service is suitable for adults and children aged 18 and over. It is not suitable for people with a perforated eardrum or an ear infection. We don’t perform foreign objects procedure extraction.
Also, there are some instances when we will not be able to perform wax removal and would advise you speak to your GP to seek help, these are:
- History of ear surgery in the last 90 days
- Current pain in the ear which is unrelated to the build-up of ear wax
- Grommets currently in the ears or removal of grommets in the last 90 days
The list is not an exhaustive and our nurse will assess your ears at your appointment to advise whether you are suitable for treatment or not.
What to expect at your ear wax removal service appointment?
Your wax removal appointment will take 30 mins.
You will be seen by a qualified nurse who who after asking a few questions to get a better understanding of the health of your ears, will examine your ear canals and ear drums by using an otoscope (magnifier with a light). We’ll then talk you through the procedure and show you the equipment that will be used and explain how it works. Once you are happy to go ahead, our clinician will use a magnifier and suction or irrigation tube to gently remove any wax that’s in your ear. The procedure is usually completed in a few minutes. You may experience some discomfort during the procedure, but this is usually mild. If we are unsuccessful in removing any wax, we’ll advise you on your next steps.
You will be able to return to your normal activities immediately after the procedure.
How to prepare for your appointment?
Before your appointment do not use your fingers or any objects like cotton buds to remove ear wax. This will push it in and make it worse. It’s important that the wax is soft to make the procedure as comfortable and effective as possible. We recommend using ear wax softening drops, following the manufacturer’s guidelines on use which usually involves application between 2 to 4 times daily and repeat for five days before your appointment (Earol Olive Oil Remove Ear Wax Spray | Health | Superdrug , Superdrug Olive Oil Drops 10ml | Health | Superdrug , Otex Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops | Health | Superdrug) to ensure a comfortable and effective earwax removal procedure. Please note for those patients who use hearing devices that olive oil may adversely affect the function of the hearing instrument if it enters a hearing aid. It may be advisable to avoid wearing the hearing instrument when olive oil has recently been administered, therefore overnight use of the drops use is advised.
What do I need to do after my appointment? (Aftercare)
In the unlikely event that you develop pain, dizziness, reduced hearing or discharge from the ear after the procedure, you should contact a medical professional for advice.
To prevent build-up of excessive wax, if this is a regular problem for you, it may be helpful to put 1-2 drops of ear wax softening drops into your ears once or twice a week.
If the procedure resulted in broken skin in the ear canal your nurse will have advised, you to keep ears dry for 3 days. If applicable, you should use ear buds for 3 days when showering or bathing and should not swim or submerge head under water for 7 days.
Your ear canal may be vulnerable to infection following treatment until the ear produces more wax to protect itself. So, it is important to keep your ears dry for a minimum of 3 days after treatment. To keep ears dry for 3 days, you should use ear buds for 3 days when showering or bathing and should not swim or submerge head under water for 7 days.
For patients who use hearing devices, leave 3 hours post procedure before re-fitting the device.
Are there any side effects?
Feeling dizzy or faint – Some patients may experience dizziness as a result of wax removal. You shouldn’t attend for earwax removal treatment if you’re already experiencing vertigo, dizziness or faint spells, and you should see a doctor about them.
Damage to the ear/eardrum, which can cause slight bleeding – This is an uncommon side effect and remaining stable and as still as possible throughout the procedure will minimise the risk.
Infection – Earwax removal carries a very small risk of infection; it is important to follow any aftercare advice provided by our nurse to reduce the risk of infection.