Contact Us


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Contact FAQ

How can I cancel my appointment?

You can cancel or reschedule your appointment, by logging into your account. Click here to login and then cancel or reschedule.

Can I contact the clinic directly?

For any questions about your appointment, please email

Our customer service advisors will be able to help.

I haven't received a confirmation of my booking

If you haven’t received an email confirming the time and date of your appointment, please check your spam folder. If you are unable to find your booking confirmation email, please contact our customer service team via email.

They will be able to confirm your appointment details.

How can I make a complaint?

Patient safety and satisfaction are our top priorities at Superdrug Health Clinics, so we take any and all complaints seriously. If you feel dissatisfied with the service you received from us and would like to raise a complaint, please get in contact with our Customer Support team via

Our Customer Support team will help you to the best of their ability, and if they’re unable to resolve your issue then they’ll put you in touch with the right person to handle your complaint. For more information on how your complaint will be handled, please have a look at our terms and conditions.

If you are not satisfied with the outcomes of a complaint we will try to identify why and find ways to resolve it. If resolution is not possible, you can contact HIS or CQC for further guidance.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Independent Healthcare Team
Gyle Square | 1 South Gyle Crescent | Edinburgh | EH12 9EB
T: 0131 623 4342


CQC National Customer Service Centre
Citygate | Gallowgate| Newcastle upon Tyne| NE1 4PA
T: 03000 616161

Where can I get further information on your corporate offering?

If you are a corporate customer, please contact for further information on our services and pricing.

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How it Works

Attend your consultation

£20 consultation fee may apply. View T&Cs for more information.

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