£110 per dose

Meningitis B Vaccination

Meningococcal meningitis is caused by bacteria easily passed from person to person by coughing, sneezing and kissing. It can cause serious complications.

About the vaccine

If you are a parent or guardian of the child you are bringing in for treatment, please bring photo ID to confirm that you are a legal guardian for that child. If you do not bring the appropriate documentation required, we may not be able to provide the service required on the day. If you require more information, please email our booking line team on contact@healthclinics.superdrug.com, so that they can advise.

  • Course: The course consists of two to four doses, depending on your age.
  • Boosters: Children over 2 and adults won’t need a booster. Young children under two may need one or two boosters.
  • How it is given: The meningitis B vaccine is given as an injection.
  • Side effects: Possible side effects include fever, digestive problems and redness and swelling at the injection site.
  • Children: Children can get vaccinated from the age of two months.
  • Additional precautions: Seek medical attention immediately if you or anyone you know experiences meningitis symptoms. Early treatment is
    vital to prevent severe complications. The meningitis b vaccine does not protect against meningitis A,C,W and Y.
  • Before the appointment: If you are bringing a young child under two years old, you may wish to bring some paracetamol for them to take after they have had the vaccine to prevent fever.


Per Dose £110
Doses per course 2-3
Price per course £220- £330

How it Works

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£20 consultation fee may apply. View T&Cs for more information.

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Frequently Asked Question

About Meningitis B vaccination

In the UK every year there are approximately 1,500 reported cases of meningococcal disease, making it the most common cause of bacterial meningitis. The group B strain has accounted for over 80% of laboratory-confirmed cases in the last century. The meningitis B vaccination could provide protection for up 88% of infection strains in England and Wales.

You will need two to four doses, depending on your age. Most children aged 2 years and over will need two doses.

To make an appointment, please call our booking line.

Side effects

The vaccination is suitable for patients aged between 2 months and 50 years old. It does not contain any live organisms.  In some there may be soreness at the site of the injection for 1-2 days after. Others have reported experiencing a high temperature as a result of being vaccinated, but these side effects are short term and should pass swiftly.

Can you get free menigitis B vaccinations?

Children under the age of one should be able to receive the vaccination free from the NHS, so please consult your GP if you believe your child is eligible.

What is meningitis B?

Meningococcal meningitis is caused by bacteria easily passed from person to person by coughing, sneezing and intimately kissing. If the bacteria passes into the bloodstream it quickly multiplies and releases toxins that can cause widespread damage to the body.

Blood vessels are damaged preventing the vital flow of oxygen to all organs of the body. Damage to the lining of the brain can lead to the infection of the cerebrospinal fluid and the inflammation and pressure around the brain can lead to nerve damage.

How is meningitis B treated?

Bacterial meningitis can be treated with an antibiotic. It is vital to seek early treatment to prevent possible irreparable damage to the brain and further severe symptoms. If you think that you, or someone you know, is displaying symptoms of meningitis seek medical help immediately at your nearest hospital. The meningitis B vaccination does not provide cover for types A,C,W and Y but these can be administered by a separate Meningitis ACWY vaccination.