PSA blood test can help detect prostate cancer before symptoms develop and may pick up a fast-growing cancer at an early stage, where treatment is more likely to be effective. It works by measuring the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, taken via a quick blood test, administered by a Superdrug nurse in one of Superdrug’s high street health clinics.
Price | £79 |
How it Works
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Frequently Asked Question
What can I expect to happen?
When you attend your appointment, the nurse will ask you some basic medical questions to ensure you are well enough for the blood test. Your screen will consist of a blood sample, usually from your arm.
Do I need to prepare for the test?
Fasting is not necessary for this test. However, it is recommended that you avoid ejaculation and heavy exercise for the 48 hours before your test. Urinary infections can affect the results, and this test is not suitable for people having had a prostate biopsy in the past 6 weeks.
What will my sample be tested for?
The blood will be tested for PSA (prostate-specific antigen) which can detect signs of prostate cancer, even if there are no symptoms. The test itself cannot diagnose prostate cancer. If your level is raised, you may need to have further tests arranged by your GP. These may include further PSA blood tests, an MRI scan, or a biopsy.
Can I have the PSA test with my GP?
There is no routine PSA test offered by the NHS. You may be offered one if a doctor thinks you have symptoms that could be prostate cancer, and anyone aged 50 or over can ask for a PSA test.
Men with a positive family history of prostate cancer (e.g. father, brother), or those who have black or mixed black ethnicity are at increased risk, so could consider a PSA test from the age of 45.
How do I get my results?
Thriva support our blood testing services by providing laboratory and analysis. During your appointment your medic will create an account for you with Thriva, and you will be able to log into this to get your results. Results are normally available within 5 working days.
Do PSA levels fluctuate? If so, how accurate does the test remain if there are variations in the levels?
The PSA level is affected by things other than cancer and can fluctuate over time. If you have had a urine infection you should wait for at least 6 weeks before having a PSA test. Levels can also be affected by:
- Ejaculation in the previous 48 hours
- Vigorous exercise in the last 48 hours
- Having a prostate biopsy in the last 6 weeks or a DRE before the blood test
We recommend that you schedule your test for a time not affected by these factors
Are there any age restrictions in place for the PSA blood test?
Superdrug blood tests have an age restriction of 18 for taking our venous blood tests, however we do not recommend this test for patients under the age of 50 unless there is a family history of prostate cancer or are of black ethnicity. Here we would suggest tracking the level annually.
How accurate is Superdrug’s PSA test?
The current success rate of samples is over 98%.
What can’t this test tell you?
A stand alone PSA test cannot diagnose prostate cancer. If levels are raised, you may need to have further tests arranged by your GP. These may include further PSA blood tests, an MRI scan or a biopsy.